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Smart Financial Skills Every Teenager Must Know

Wednesday, 05 March 2014, 01:00 IST
By SiliconIndia

Choose wisely: This is something that has to be taken care of in a right manner. As in growing lifestyle and changing trends, people tend to spend a lot knowingly or unknowingly at places which later realized was a waste, or should have been avoided. Young adults are more prone to this kind of viral activity. They tend to spend more on new unnecessary clothing line, shoes, which may be stacked up inside the cupboard for weeks. Being a party animal equals more on spending on entry to clubs, and on drinks. The point is, cutting short on unnecessary shopping and over-partying. Things what matter most should be given priority. This can be made understood to them by taking them out for shopping with you and including them in decision-making sessions at home.

Learn to cook: It has been noticed that youngsters spend most of the money on food. Shortage of time, exciting food chain spreading all over, and most importantly not knowing how to cook food at home, drives out more money than usual spending on special weekends. Cooking and saving money are correlated if you get a better insight into this. Especially the college going and working young adults tend to eat out more, more of unhealthy outside items. Junk food, unhealthy preparation will cost you more than you think in the way of medical bills. So it’s better to learn some simple few nuances of preparing some delicious food items at home. It will not only cut your extra unhealthy expenses, but also cut short health problems. If you really growing interest in cooking, try buying groceries in bulks when groceries are on offers.

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