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Is Your Spouse A Financial Blunder?

Friday, 10 August 2012, 01:42 IST
By SiliconIndia

2. He’s In Major Credit Card Debt

If your spouse is in such a situation of severe debt, it not only shows how your partner can not handle money responsibly, but also will hamper you both for a long term. The National Marriage report stated that, “Consumer debt is an equal opportunity marriage destroyer. It does not matter if couples are rich or poor, working class or middle class, if they accrue substantial debt it puts a strain on their marriage.”

Such credit card debts always lead the couples to fight over money. This not only strains their financial life but also personal life. So you must plan to tackle the debt together. Definitely being in debt doesn’t mean the end of a relationship, but it also does not mean that you should enquire your partner about how he got into the debt. Rather you both should sit discuss about how to deal with it and pay off the debt soon.
