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10 Things You Must Know About Insurance

Wednesday, 01 August 2012, 01:46 IST
By SiliconIndia

10. You will not be allowed to claim vehicle insurance if the driver's license is invalid or fake. If you own a vehicle and want to ensure a smooth settlement of insurance claims related to the vehicle, make sure the driver you have hired has a genuine and valid license.

In case of an accident, you can claim money from either your insurance company or the other party's insurance company but in the latter case, you will have to prove that the other party was at fault.

If you have not registered your vehicle for commercial use but are still using it for commercial purposes, you cannot claim insurance.

In case of vehicle theft, you must register an FIR within 24 hours in order to validly claim insurance. Furthermore, you must be informing the insurance company about the theft within a maximum duration of two days in order to claim insurance.
