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10 Most Rarest and Expensive Coins in the World

Saturday, 30 March 2013, 01:46 IST
By SiliconIndia

4.1804 Silver Dollar

Price: $4.14 Million

This 1804 Silver Dollar is the rarest American Dollar and is regarded to be the 4th most expensive coin in the world. This coin was displayed as part of the King of Siam’s collection, where it was named as “The King of Coins”. In 2001, this expensive coin was purchased by a coin collector. The anonymous collector also brought all the coins that existed at the time of King of Siam for $4.14 million.

5. Queen Elizabeth II

Price: $4 Million

Queen Elizabeth II is the world’s largest Gold coin weighing about 100 kilos and is 53 centimeters in diameter, with the purity rate of 99.999 percent (purest Gold according to market). The coin has the face value of $1 million dollars which is lesser than the actual value of the coin’s materials. The inscription on this coin consists of maple leaves and Queen Elizabeth II. At the back of this coin is the American national symbol.

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