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10 Countries With Biggest Gold Reserves

Saturday, 10 March 2012, 01:31 IST
By SiliconIndia

2. Germany

Gold Holdings: 3,396.3 tonnes

Percent of Foreign Reserves in Gold: 71.4 percent

The largest economy in the Eurozone, Germany, has the largest reserve of gold after the United States. Since September 2011, Germany has sold 4.7 tonnes of gold under the Central Bank Gold Agreement. In November 2011, the IMF said that most of the gold was sold to the ministry of finance to imprint commemorative coins. Germany also refused to have its gold holdings to ageboost the EFSF. Germany's gold reserves are worth approximately $203 billion.

1. United States

Gold Holdings: 8,133.5 tonnes

Percent of foreign reserves in gold: 74.5 percent

The U.S.'s percent of foreign reserves in gold has risen from 74.8 percent in May to 75.5 percent in November 2011, which shows that it has the highest gold reserves than any other country. In fact, U.S. nearly holds 30 percent of the 27,372.6 tonnes of gold in all reserves. At $1,700 an ounce, the U.S. gold reserve is worth approximately $487 billion, with a value of $1,700 an ounce.
