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Parents! Teach Your Children These Valuable Money Lessons

Thursday, 27 February 2014, 22:16 IST
By SiliconIndia

2. Explain them with a good example: Almost all the children have a habit of imitating their parents and thus if you save then they will also start saving. One example you can set is having your own piggy banks for saving for your fun activities. Another best way is talking to your spouse about money matters in front of your kids, but be avoid talking too much about financial troubles that you are going through. Kids are usually good at overhearing so if you talk to your spouse about financial goals loudly and in an easy way they will understand it.

Try to talk to your children about money matters and also allow them to interact with you for the same. If you are going to the grocery store with your kids allow them to take all the reasonable items. Pick up one thing from two different brands and two different prices and show them the difference between the prices this will help them to learn about comparing and buying.

3. Allow your kid to take spending decisions: There is no certain age to teach your kids to spend their money wisely and how to bargain with the shoppers. If kids don’t learn how to control money before their adulthood, they will become least responsible with the way they spend in future. By learning in their early age they will learn those lessons of spending liberally without worrying about the future. It might happen that when you give them to control money for the first time they might spend too much first but when they want to buy other things for them they will learn to save to buy those things.

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