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Guess Which 10 Countries Have Largest Gold Reserves In The World

Wednesday, 18 December 2013, 01:47 IST
By SiliconIndia

9. Netherlands

Netherland is known as a liberal society and their financial reserves are also fair enough. Amsterdam being the capital of Netherland has just 10 percent of gold reserves and other 90 percent of gold reserves are in countries like U.S., U.K., and Canada. The net worth of gold reserves comes up to $36 billion and the official gold holdings come up to 612.5 tonnes.

8. Japan

Japan officially holds gold up to 765.2 tonnes but when the gold reserves are concerned overall the percentage comes to 2.6 percent which is little less. When compared to other Asian countries, Japan has fair enough U.S. dollars as financial reserves but when it comes to gold the total net worth is up to $45 billion.

7. Russia

Russia is ranked five among the gold producing nations. In earlier times Russia didn’t own much gold reserves but recently the growth is outstanding. It has around 8.3 percent of gold reserves that will approximately $50 billion. "If gold prices remain at a high level, gold output in Russia will continue to grow by 4-5 percent per year, which will allow it to become the third largest producer in the world in 2015," said Kashuba, head of the Russian Gold Industrialist’s of Moscow, as reported by Reuters.

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