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4 Tips How Women Can Be More Confident About Their Investments

Monday, 29 April 2013, 15:50 IST
By SiliconIndia

4. Tap into Your Feminine Side

The idea is very clear, you don’t have to have the same attitudes as men, in return you can stay the way you are, and that will likely help your financial health. There are just four principles that you have to follow to have financial stability.

a. Rely on Logic

Always think before you take any financial decisions. Do not get carried away by the investment your friend is making. You should take up decisions depending on your ability. Plan out things very carefully and take right decisions at the right point of time.

b. Pay Attention to Asset Allocation

The main goal of saving money and investing is to build the assets that they have. So figure out the goals that you want to meet, according to that make your investment.

c. No Market Timing

Accept the fact that it is not always possible to make a perfect investment by buying it when the market s down and selling it when the market is at the peak. But rather, you can buy it when you can afford and sell it when you reach your goal and simple to follow as well.

d. Don't Forget About Fees

The study that was conducted by “The Quarterly Journal of Economics” reported that "Trading reduces men's net returns by 2.65 percentage points a year as opposed to 1.72 percentage points for women."

Difference between success and failure between men and women is generally a game of inches, not miles. Keeping this in mind, every penny you spend should count.

The Bottom Line

Always take wise decisions on the investments you make. It is just a matter of being little cautious and a little bit of effort. So take your own time and take right decisions.

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