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10 Billionaires Best Investment Advice

Friday, 13 April 2012, 01:58 IST
By SiliconIndia


2. Patrick Soon-Shiong:

By origin, Patrick is a South African-American whose parents fled from China and settled in South Africa during World War II. At the age of 23, Patrick completed his medical degree and went on to do his Master of Science from the University of Witwatersrand. Out of 198 students, Patrick stood fourth and bagged the internship at Johannesburg’s General Hospital. He then moved to United States to enroll in surgical training at the University of California, Los Angeles. He then became a board-certified surgeon. Patrick first made headlines by performing the world’s first ever encapsulated human islet transplant and the first pig to man islet cell transplant in diabetic patients. He also invented nation’s first FDA approved protein nanoparticle delivery technology for the treatment of metastatic breast cancer.

After quitting the companies that he had co-founded, Vivo RX Pharmaceuticals and co-created breast cancer treatment Abraxane, Patrick decided to broaden his spectrum and try his hand at investments. Integrating medical science, health delivery, and healthcare finance has become the main goal of Patrick and he also looks at creating a very secure health information network for the secure sharing of biomedical information.

His strategy: He says - this is one of those crucial periods where technology and pharmaceutical industry is booming and this is right time to secure and lose money.
