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15 Largest Internet Acquisitions Ever

Friday, 25 January 2013, 01:31 IST
By SiliconIndia

Bangalore: History of any civilization will explain the passion of the great Emperors and the kings for conquering new nations and extending their country’s limit.

Kings and cavalries can be no more found in this planet but the rivalry in the history still exists.

Well, now it’s the rivalry of leadership in the Internet Market and here is the list of the biggest internet buyouts in history till date, as reported by Reggie Ugwu from Keep an eye for the biggest acquisition of the dot com industry.

15. Oracle buys ATG
Sale Price: $1 Billion
Year: 2010

ATG (Art Technology Group), an independent Internet technology company that built the online stores of giants like BestBuy and Tommy Hilfiger. It was co-founded by Jeet Singh and Joseph Chung, both graduates of MIT in the year 1991. Till 2009, ATG was a leading company in eCommerce software and on-demand optimization applications but in 2010, the veteran systems giant Oracle handed over $1 billion in order to bring ATG and its customers into the fold.

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