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Zoomtra Asserts The Benefits Of Travel Insurance

Thursday, 21 August 2014, 00:53 IST
By SiliconIndia

BANGALORE: People in India are well aware with the practice of insuring lives and assets… However a very few know about the importance of having travel insurance. It used to sound as negative in the past but these days having the right travel insurance is an essential thing for smart travellers.

Choosing the right insurance is a difficult task for the first timers as there are many things that one needs to take care of. Zoomtra guides you through the dilemma of why travel insurance and what to insure.

Why Travel Insurance?

There are many points to answer this question but the most important of them include emergencies. Also, in case you flight gets cancelled due to some issue at the airlines’ end then you’ll be paid back by your travel insurer, so you need not worry about the monetary loss.

Also, many times people travelling on long-haul flights internationally lose their baggage and with this people also lose their medications, so you need fill-in an emergency prescription and your travel insurer will help you with the same.

Losing wallets has also become quite common on flights, but if you are travel insured then immediately emergency cash and a replacement passport will be arranged for you. Along with this, there are very niche insurances also available for travellers, including the golfers, adventure travellers, etc.

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