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Worst Money Advice You Can Ever Get

Thursday, 31 May 2012, 01:18 IST
By SiliconIndia

Bangalore: Sensible money advices are always hard to get, but it’s sometimes worse when you get it from your friends. Here are few of those worst money advices one could ever get, brought down by Jill Krasny from Business Insider.

1. Use Card for Everything Even If You Are In Debt

If anyone advices you this, then don’t forget, it’s you who has to bear everything later. Using card for everything will not help you ultimately. It will only increase your debt. It’s your money and you know better about yourself more than anyone else. You know you expenses, saving etc., so you must learn a bit of money management for yourself. You shouldn’t put the entire burden on your card, rather use whenever you can and its best if you learn to figure out your needs and spend according to it.

Putting the entire burden on your card may even let you lose your personal possessions like house, car etc. But don’t think others were able to survive it so it is possible for you as well.
