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Top Ten Mind Methods To Save Money

Monday, 16 February 2015, 16:01 IST
By SiliconIndia

BANGALORE: There are many common tactics to save money: Set aside a portion of your paycheck, think about your purchases and invest wisely. There is also plenty of financial advice available on debts and investment, and on the cheapest versions of things you can buy.

What are rarely available are tips on behavior modification and mind techniques with specific instructions. Meditation can make you think more thoughtfully, but requires a long training period before it is effective. However, researchers have discovered a number of simple, everyday psychology tricks than can help you save money. Here are ten such techniques compiled by

# Buy Only After Thirty Days

Whenever you want to spend more than a set amount of spending money, wait for thirty days before you do. If after the time period, you still want to purchase the item, go ahead. This method is useful for saving on big ticket items like TVs and Computers.

# Create a Sleeve for Your Credit Card with a Picture of Your Financial Goal

Similar to putting up a picture on your fridge to discourage you from eating, this simple trick and help you spend less every time to take out your credit card to make an impulse purchase. Also, always use cash for small purchases, as you think about spending physical money more than digital money.

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