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Tips for Market Newbies

Saturday, 21 January 2012, 03:09 IST
By SiliconIndia

4. Treat investing as business: New investors enter into the share market with a tendency of gambling. They just want to learn how to play, but this doesn’t help until the investor develops real skills to sense the investment more seriously as a business. Once this tendency injects the thought pattern changes. The investor starts understanding his own profit and loss and automatically good questions comes to mind that, “Will this investment / trade / software / subscription make or lose me money?” So treat investment as business and not as a hobby.

5. Go the techie way: After learning money management, grab a copy of good investment management software which could keep a steady eye on it, in a very convenient way. This reduces your human effort to figure out the best ways to manage it. There are two sorts of investment manager softwares available. Personal money manager which keeps the track of earnings and expenses and the other software tracks down stocks and fund prices, storing company news, technical and fundamental analysis and more.


