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These 3 Insurance Policies you need, and 3 you Don't

Friday, 05 September 2014, 01:12 IST
By SiliconIndia

2. Property insurance

The type of policy that for most people is mandatory to have is homeowners insurance when you have a mortgage. If you borrow money from the bank to purchase a home they will require the asset to be insured. For many people their home is their greatest asset so it is vital to adequately protect it.

If you rent instead of owning a property, a renter’s insurance policy is just as important. Your belongings inside the dwelling can add up to a significant amount of money. In the event of a burglary, fire or disaster you should be able to at least have a policy that can cover most of the replacement costs.

3. Auto Insurance

Another type of policy that is often required is auto insurance. Most states require by law that you have basic auto insurance. While it may be a law, too many people still drive around without it. The most common reason to have auto insurance is to cover the replacement of an expensive asset. Like a home, automobiles can be quite expensive and if it gets damaged you  will be able to repair or replace it. But there is more to auto insurance than just covering the car itself.

Most automotive insurance policies cover bodily injury or death of another person in an incident that you are legally responsible. While it generally pays for medical expenses related to the incident it can also cover legal defense costs.
