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Money Questions You Should Ask Your Partner

Tuesday, 31 January 2012, 00:44 IST
By SiliconIndia

5) What are Our Obligations towards Our Parents?

Parents are next to God and most people will agree with this statement. They have brought us into this world and have taught us most of the things we know. They have done all things possible in their hands to give us the best of the world. So, there comes a point in all our lives when we must question ourselves as to how can we repay our parents during their old-age. We might want to have them live with us but our spouse might think otherwise. So, one must discuss this part of life very frankly with one’s spouse. Personal friction between our spouse and our parents might make this decision tough but the final decision should be in the favour of both. This requires tediously long thinking and consideration, along with great patience. Having parents at home or least in the same locality is a good option for people who want to live near their parents. Some people see keeping parents in old-age homes a taboo in our country. Having the folks in such community homes in not bad but one must never sever ties with their life givers. Calling them up every day and having them home at weekends and special occasions are good gestures for too busy people. Still, at times parents occupy higher priority than our spouses.

6) What are Our Obligations towards Our Children?

Our children mean the world to us. There is nothing parents would not do for their kids. At times they need all the help they can get from us because sometimes they will drift from their paths. As parents, people must realize that children need guidance more than anything else. Providing for them financially is the second duty of parents. Salaried people who have taken educational loans for their children know the financial pinch of repaying it. So, having a steady flow of income to repay these loans is crucial. Knowing what they want with their lives and planning your finances in accordance is a good deal. If they wish to pursue their studies abroad, then one must prepare for this as well. Having savings accounts and fixed deposits for kids from an early age is also a good idea. If your kids want to earn a little for their studies, without affecting their studies, then let them do so. Confident kids are better judges of their finances. However, do remember to cater to your needs as well. In the process of looking after our parents and children, we do tend to forget our own selves. This is a life-long responsibility but forgetting oneself in the process never helps. Always remember that we need to be there for our family – not because we are their financial source but we are the threads that keep both the generations together in a family.
