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Manage Your Finances With These 7 Steps

Friday, 27 March 2015, 01:11 IST
By SiliconIndia

BENGALURU: ‘Be wise. Money wise’ they say. Do you always find yourself stuck while calculating all your outgoings at the end of the day? It’s high time to think about your budget, as a little delay may ruin your financial status and happiness.Save Money

Managing finances is no easy task for people from all age groups. Be it young or an adult everyone has humungous financial responsibility.  The Fortune gives certain golden rules for young-adults to help them prioritize their money matters. Here is how to make an efficient balance sheet:

1: Budget Plan: The very first step that you can start with is making a budget plan. A budget plan means dividing your money into categories.budget plan

 It will let you decide when and how you can make your money flow. Consider all your important daily or monthly expenditures along with debt payments or bill payments and put together in a list accordingly.   

Organize your bills and separate your essential expenses and unnecessary expenses. Calculate total expenditures and subtract it from your incomings. Be realistic while preparing your budget plan.

With this you will be able to analyze your cash inflows and out flows. This will let you to have control on your expenditures ultimately it will make sure that you save money at the end of the month.

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