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Is Your Spouse A Financial Blunder?

Friday, 10 August 2012, 01:45 IST
By SiliconIndia

3. He Spends Like a Drunken Sailor

There is nothing wrong in spending money or spending a lot of money but when he keeps on spending though it is running out too much, then it is definitely a warning sign. Whether it is gadgets, accessories or a brand new car, or it is literally getting drunk, you must keep an eye on your spouse and counter him about his habit of overspending. The report says, “When individuals feel that their spouse doesn’t handle money well, they report lower levels of marital happiness.”

If your partner has a healthy spending habit or is splendidly wealthy and is spending within his budget, then you can probably loosen up and relax. But if he spends money massively and your heart pounds every time whenever he opens his wallet, then you both must talk about it candidly. Speak your heart out on money matters and how you want to use it. Make sure that you both are in sync with each other or at least have the same views. All debts have to be laid out on the table otherwise it could lead to financial infidelity.
