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Is Your Financial Adviser Ideal For You?

Friday, 01 June 2012, 02:05 IST
By SiliconIndia

What a Financial Advisor Does?

A financial advisor sets goals with the client, gathers all the relevant financial information from the client. He then analyses those information and constructs a financial plan. He implements productive strategies in the plan. He monitors the implemented strategies regularly and reviews the plan accordingly.

How to Choose a Financial Advisor?

The prime mistake which one commits is that not to plan your finances from the very beginning. One should allocate the finance properly as soon as he/she starts earning. Often by the time you seek a professional advice, you’ve already spent years working hard to misuse your money. If you are such an investor then you need someone who can teach you on how you must invest to have a secured financial future.

If you want to save but is not able to as you are never able to come out of debt, then you need a advisor with a focus on debt reduction, who can eventually bring you to a place of saving and investing.
