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India's Gold Demand Up 13 Percent At 975 Tonnes In 2013: Report

Tuesday, 18 February 2014, 21:49 IST

Mumbai: India's gold demand remained buoyant in 2013 and rose by 13 per cent to 975 tonnes compared to 2012, despite government putting in several restrictions to curb imports, according to a World Gold Council report.

Gold demand in the country was 864 tonnes during 2012, according to data given in WGC 'Gold Demand Trends 2013' report.

"India's gold demand was up 13 per cent in 2013, compared to 2012. Demand in the second half was lower due to the effect of the supply curbs introduced in that period, but, equally, it was due to households having met a large part of their annual gold requirements in the first half, using the price drop in April as a buying opportunity," WGC Managing Director India Somasundaram P R told PTI here.

The total jewellery demand in the country in 2013 was up by 11 per cent at 612.7 tonne valued at Rs. 1,61,750.6 crore compared to 552 tonne valued at Rs.1,58,359.1 crore in 2012.

The total investment demand for 2013, was up by 16 per cent at 362.1 tonnes from 312.2 tonnes in 2012.

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