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How To Pay Very Little Taxes

Thursday, 04 December 2014, 01:37 IST
By SiliconIndia

BENGALURU: Paying tax is something no one can avoid and run away from. However, sometimes majority end up paying high taxes due to lack of awareness about proper deductions and other legal ways to pay less tax and save some money.

As compiled by The Economic Times, let us know some of the ways, which can save you from paying high taxes.

Investing in tax-efficient options

People invest in Fixed Deposits more often as they think it is the hottest option, which helps you save taxes.

But what most of the people doesn’t know is the fact that debt schemes would save a lot of taxes as well.

Debt funds are often ignored in favor of equity mutual funds. But now, a lot of people are moving towards debt as they see it as safe option.

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