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How Safe Are Your Retirement Funds?

Friday, 31 August 2012, 01:20 IST
By SiliconIndia

5. Watch Your Spending Budget

Be money-wise and smart. Since you cannot skip shopping for the necessary items then it does mean you shall pay fortune for these things, instead look for things which are available with a reasonable price tag. You have seen how inflation and increasing tax rates have made everything costly and so when you makes plan for your pension finance then make sure it is done after considering these factors. Save money wisely at present so that you can maintain a medium/high standard of living when you grow old.

6. Plan on Working Longer

If your retirement age is approaching  and your job responsibilities have made your work life hectic, may it’s time now either to give your best or switch job to take up some lighter work. It could be like taking up a career with lesser responsibility or starting your own business. This will allow you to work for long and you will also enjoy doing things you desire.
