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How Safe Are Your Retirement Funds?

Friday, 31 August 2012, 01:14 IST
By SiliconIndia

Bangalore: If a happy retirement is your dream, make it a reality. Think of the ways by which you can save fortune for your retirement Funds. And if you have already saved plenty then make sure your money is safe too. Aditya Prasad, on behalf of, has provided some tips on how can you keep your retirement Funds safe?

1. Watch Out For Frauds

Investment schemes which promises high returns at low risk will surely attract you, but you must restrain yourself from indulging into these fancy schemes, as most of these just sound profitable and in reality may turn out to be a fraudulent plan. You need to understand that, in the present down falling economic conditions expecting larger returns is close to something impossible. If at all you want to invest, take help from repudiated money managers who can give you some reliable financial advice. It would be wise if you educate yourself and get familiar with the pros and cons of the plan you are intending to invest in.

2. Review Your Asset Allocation

As you grow old, review your asset allocation in terms of investments in stocks and bonds. In case you find some difficulties or you lack the correct knowledge of fund allocation, use this rule of thumb and invest your age in bonds and the rest in stocks. For example, if you are 55, then allocate 55 percent of funds to the bonds market and the remaining 45 percent to the stock market.
