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How Multi Billionaires Spend Their Money

Saturday, 02 February 2013, 01:51 IST
By SiliconIndia

Bangalore: ‘Does money means everything to the multi billionaires?’ This question might sound illogical as it is related to the multi billionaires in the world.

No, for most of the multi billionaires in the world, money is not the limit. For them, their hobbies, passions, dreams, etc. holds more priority. Here is the list of some of the multi billionaires across the globe and their unbelievable passions as reported by ‘’:

1. Carlos Slim Helu

Passion: Collecting Paintings and Sculpture

This Mexican multi billionaire bears an old world style in his life. He can’t be seen easily.

Other than collecting paintings and sculptures, he don’t have any of the classy habits. His collection includes paintings of Rodin, Renoir, Da Vinci and Micheal Angelo.

His love for painting and sculpture has resulted in the foundation of Art museum called ‘Museu Soumaya’ in his wife’s name; Soumaya Domit.

He lives a mile away from his work place in a simple six-bedroom house.

2. Bill Gates

Known for: Charities

The program genius and the founder of the Microsoft Corp was once known as the richest man in the world. At present he is the second richest man in the world. He is also better known as a ‘Humanitarian’.

Apart from his love towards programming, he is also known for his involvement in charities. Even after donating $30 billion of his wealth to charity, he still manages to be in the list of the rich people.

The ‘Bill & Melinda Foundation’, which is considered to be one of the largest charitable trusts in the world, was established by Bill Gates and his wife Melinda Gates.

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