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How Fun Hobbies Can Help You Earn?

Monday, 24 December 2012, 15:22 IST
By SiliconIndia

4. Baby Sitting

Small babies are like angels; cute and innocent. You may like to spend some time with young kids. As in metro where couples life in nuclear family often face trouble while going outdoors with their children. Even working ladies find it difficult to manage both kids and work. You can provide them a helping hand by take charge to their little ones and gives the kids a warm care. Baby sitting can be a good money making hobby.

More: 7 Ways Money Can Buy You Happiness

5. Searching for Gold

Now don't imagine yourself to be digging gold in a gold mine. There are other ways by which you can search gold too. If you live near a beach or a lake and enjoy being outdoors, you may want to invest in a metal detector. Now that gold and silver prices have skyrocketed, you can search for lost treasures and sell them to gold and silver retailers in exchange of money.

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