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Good Things that are Bad for Money

Monday, 28 May 2012, 22:41 IST
By SiliconIndia

Bangalore: We get money advice from all people – from experts to every possible person under the sun. But there are some money advises which do us more harm than good. Allison Kade, of LearnVest.Com shed some informative light on such things –

1. Paying Each Debt Equally

We all have some or the other form of debt to pay in our working lives, be it – credit card bills or loan amounts. But we make the biggest mistake in repayment of these loans by giving equal attention to all at the same time. You must chalk out a debt repayment plan before you start repaying the debts. You must first categorize and prioritize them. There is some concession for house loan. So, you can defer its payment. If you need to pay a loan within a shorter time period, focus on this first. Also, try and pay off the smaller loans you have first than the bigger ones.
