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Exploring Payment Orchestration

Friday, 08 March 2024, 14:41 IST
By M.R.Yuvatha, Correspondent, siliconindia

Exploring Payment Orchestration

In today's business, how we handle payments has changed a lot, and a big part of that change is Payment Orchestration. It brings together various payment methods and channels, making transactions smoother for businesses. In the creation of online shopping and digital payments, Payment Orchestration is crucial. It helps businesses deal with the complexity of different payment options, ensuring a free payment experience for customers and boosting business growth. This innovation evolved because online transactions became more complicated, and Payment Orchestration uses technology to simplify the process. When customers are dealing with payments, it can get confusing, and sometimes payments might get lost.

Payment orchestration is like direct, guiding payments through the best routes automatically. It's a bit like a GPS for payments. Payment Orchestration Platforms (POPs) are the special tools that act as these guides. They make sure payments go through the best services that increase the chances of success and reduce problems.

Payment Orchestration for Businesses

Payment orchestration serves as a crucial assistant for businesses, simplifying online transactions and enhancing sales. These platforms connect businesses to various online payment methods, saving time and effort. They act as magical tools, not only providing diverse payment options but also helping businesses to save money by selecting the most cost-effective payment processing methods. Thanks to services like AWS, GCP, or Azure, even smaller businesses can now benefit without the need for complicated computer networks. Payment companies have also improved, offering more options and better quality services.

And, also the Payments Orchestration Layer functions as an essential element in transforming online payments by connecting various payment services like banks, gateways, and providers into a unified platform. This layer manages the entire payment process, from validating payments to determining the optimal route and ensuring successful settlement. Serving as the central command for online payments, it simplifies business operations by eliminating the need to connect separately to each payment option. With an excess of valuable features, Payment Orchestration Platforms empower businesses to enhance their online payment methods, provide diverse choices, expand their reach, and foster customer satisfaction, ultimately driving repeat business. Acting as a supportive assistant for online shops, Payment Orchestration facilitates growth by connecting with global payment services, expanding payment options, and acting as a reliable traffic manager for seamless and cost-effective transactions. It resolves payment issues, reduces cart leaving, updates tasks such as payment management and refunds, offers flexibility in choosing payment partners, and enhances security through data gathering from various payment services, enabling shops to make informed decisions.

AI and Open Banking: Payment orchestration, in which payments from various providers are managed centrally, is poised to shape the payment landscape. Some upcoming trends include the use of machine learning and artificial intelligence for personalized and seamless payment experiences. Open banking and API-driven transactions make it easier to access customer information and embrace new payment methods like cryptocurrencies. The trend also involves integrating innovative options like contactless payments via smartphones, considering both global and local factors, and placing more emphasis on analytics to understand customer behavior and detect potential threats.

FlowWise in Fintech:

Cashfree Payments has launched 'FlowWise,' a novel payment orchestration platform designed to streamline and simplify payment management for Indian businesses. Nothing like traditional setups, FlowWise introduces the concept of 'self-hosted payments orchestration,' allowing merchants to manage payments directly on their infrastructure. The platform aims to cut processing costs by up to 40% and boost success rates by 10%, enhancing security and eliminating risks like data leaks. By utilizing a 'multi-armed bandit' classifier, FlowWise continuously tests and optimizes payment gateways to provide merchants with the best possible success rates. The user-friendly platform aligns with Cashfree's vision to create fintech solutions that empower businesses and offer a unified checkout experience.

Payment Orchestration in Hospitality

Managing payments is becoming significant, especially for online shopping and travel bookings. Many hotels use just one or different payment services, causing problems with keeping track of data and receipts. Now, there's a solution called payment orchestration platforms. These platforms combine booking systems with payment methods, helping to avoid payment errors, cut costs, and speed up transaction approval. The main aim is to boost sales, simplify processes, and ensure a smooth and safe experience for customers. By using a single access point for various payment options, these solutions are a game-changer for hotels and online booking sites. They save time and resources, increase the chances of successful transactions, cater to specific markets with their payment preferences, reduce fraud, and automate payment tracking for each booking.

Payment orchestration is all about using smart routing, also called dynamic routing, to ensure that receipts function smoothly by directly managing payment flows and reducing failed payouts. Hotels face daily challenges, such as transactions that don't go through, impacting the number of actual purchases and the revenue the hotel earns. These issues often arise from incomplete card details, problems with verifying identity, or insufficient funds in an account. Smart routing employs clever algorithms to automatically guide transactions through the best path, reducing failures by adapting to different situations. In the hotel industry, it's crucial to provide a consistent and seamless buying experience everywhere, especially to compete globally. Integration through tech connections like APIs helps systems such as Central Reservation Systems (CRS), Property Management Systems (PMS), and Payment Service Providers (PSPs) work together more effectively, simplifying the customer's journey. A modern and connected CRS aims to give guests an easy and stress-free experience, aligning with the industry's focus on selling enjoyable holidays and memorable experiences.

The Impact of Payment Orchestration

Companies globally run into challenges in handling payments due to differing rules and habits in various places. Enter payment orchestration, a helpful solution that addresses these issues. With orchestration platforms, businesses consolidate all their payment processing in one place, simplifying things and avoiding confusion from using multiple processors. This not only makes managing transactions easier but also saves money on administrative tasks. Also, these platforms ensure sensitive information remains secure by employing measures like encryption and fraud prevention. They also assist businesses in accepting payments globally by connecting with various global payment providers, observing to different rules and preferences in each region. The impressive part is that they make the order process smooth and easy, solving the problem of people abandoning their shopping carts. This way, businesses can make customers happy, reduce incomplete purchases, and foster loyalty.


Payment orchestration is like a protector for all sectors dealing with payments. It's a smart and flexible solution that helps to grab payment challenges. Think of it as a smooth and organized system that makes handling payments easier, boosts efficiency, and keeps customers happy.
