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Credit Card Personality, Are You One of This?

Tuesday, 14 February 2012, 00:21 IST
By SiliconIndia

The Carefree

After a while when you hitch yourself back from overspending, you feel it’s just enough what you have saved till date and suddenly you love spending and believe that spending is the motivation for earning. You may even plan things beforehand but mind don’t goes along the planning when you start to spend. You cross your spending limit; you start to default on your full payments on your credit card. As a whole you start to become carefree towards your credit card handling and expenses. At this stage being a carefree what you should look for in a credit card is the interest rate. As you carry forward the balance, your interest expense is going to be high. It’s advisable for these people to choose the card which offers the lowest interest rates and make sure that your card does not have any annual maintenance charges attached to it.
