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Adventerous In Nature? Know More About Your Life Insurance Coverage

Thursday, 19 December 2013, 00:41 IST
By SiliconIndia

How to buy low cost insurance for high risk hobbies?

Do you want a low cost insurance in spite of having high risk hobbies? Here are some points that can help you:

1. Try to look for the insurance policies that are specialized in high risk hobbies where they would take your age, health factor, technical knowledge, risk involved and number of times you go for such activities in consideration and increase your financial safety. Thus your hobby risk will be graded severe instead of mild.

2. If you are too adventurous and want to have thrilling experience in life then go for such life threatening hobbies once in a while don’t make it a regular practice.

3. Always be loyal to your insurance company if you are indulged into high risk hobbies otherwise later you will face problem. Unfortunately, if anything bad happens while attempting such risky activities then your insurance company has all the rights to deny your claims.

4. Don’t hide any health related problems from your insurance company—like cigarette smoking, consumption of alcohol or drugs intake.

Thus note these points before you apply for a low cost insurance if you’re adventurous in nature.

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