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9 Key Financial Tips For Youngsters

Friday, 06 December 2013, 01:23 IST
By SiliconIndia

Bangalore: Spending money is a part and parcel of everyone’s life. More or less everyone has to engage in spending money. But there are many people who are regretting for not savings money in their younger days.

If you are a person who has completed your studies or have joined work recently, consider saving money as the most important part of your lives. You surly don’t want to regret later in your life because you didn’t save money.

Here are new financial tips for young people, listed by Barbara Whelehan of

1. Do Some Part-Time Job

 While you are still in college, try to look for a part time job. You can some take time in taking tuitions for children at the evenings from which you can earn your pocket money.

If your parents are unable to help you pay your college fees, you can make it happen by yourself. You can go ahead and work as a freelance content writer or as a gym instructor to invest for yourself. But, do not neglect your studies. You can get more advantages when you study in the young age then studying when old. Try to join a community college, these colleges offer education at reasonable prices.

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