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9 Brilliant Money Tips For Women To Secure Future

Tuesday, 04 March 2014, 01:31 IST
By SiliconIndia

2. Make financial statements of your own: Start by preparing your own financial statements to know where exactly you stand financially. The checklist should include your income sources, your investments, monthly expenses, insurance policies and so on. It will be even better if you have complete details of each. Jolt down all the interest paid and the EMIs, in case if you have borrowed any loans, on each. This is one important step towards your financial well-being because if you do not know your present financial situation, planning for future will not make any sense.

3. Keep a track on your spending: Of course, to fulfill your needs and dreams you work hard; so it is very important to keep a track on how much you earn and how much you spend for your daily needs. As a woman you should start your savings from your home itself. After getting the monthly salary, do not make instant plans for shopping groceries; wait and think. When you go to the supermarket, you end up buying both the needful and needless.

Therefore, prepare a checklist before you go for shopping. You need to write down the important items that you need for that particular month and secondly keep control on your mind. If you are planning to buy the groceries, try to shop when you have great “offers” running like “buy one get one” or a combo offers.

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