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8 Useless Things Rich People Waste Their Money On

Saturday, 24 November 2012, 01:47 IST
By SiliconIndia

3. Plastic Surgery

Have you ever thought of going for a plastic surgery? Well, it costs around a figure with lots of zero and kindly don’t hope that a bank will provide you a loan for a face lifting surgery or tummy tuck in. On the other hand, there are some filthy rich Indians who don’t even think twice before spending a fortune over such surgeries. They want to look younger, slimmer and curvier, as if they are not happy with themselves and don’t mind taking the risk of a medical surgery. If you are also insecure about your looks, then change your mindset and be happy with what you are, as it not worth spending so much on a plastic surgery which you will regret later.

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4. Jewelry

No party or festive look is complete without a good set of ornaments. A designer suit, a good pair of shoe and tasteful jewellery all together when worn gives someone a glorious look. So from where do you buy such stuffs? Undoubtably from shops, boutiques and malls. But these elite prefer buying especially the exotic jewelleries from auctions and they spend lavishly on them. Exotic jewelleries actual serve no purpose than being a showpiece as they are too heavy to be worn. In other word elite make their home a museum by buying such rare and less useful jewellery.

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