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8 Unsafe Places To Use Your Debit Card

Tuesday, 11 February 2014, 01:28 IST
By SiliconIndia

The risky web

The web is a public domain, connecting almost the whole world together. So, when you just thought of being happy for finishing all the transactions and shopping online; think again. It’s not a safe platform to do so. As the web is webbed with different kinds of hackers, there are chances of hacking and your money being drawn illegally; or your card details stored and used by fraudsters. Known to you only when it’s too late. There can also be problems with the transaction made and it’s processing. The most vulnerable fact is that you never know with whom you are dealing with during the transactions; the website must be right but may be with malicious person sitting across the net.


Eating out has become a daily habit of people, especially the working class. The debit has nothing to do with you eating out, but it sure has with the payment of the bill, after filling up your tummy. While you give away your debit card for the payment, the waiter/ess , without your presence can tamper the bill details without mentioning it and can store the card details  and may use it later for illegal transactions. The restaurants storing the customers’ card details in a file makes easier for your next order there, but it can be a hard time for your money. Keep connected with your Bank for all the transactions.

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