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8 Homeless People Who Turned Filthy Rich

Thursday, 01 November 2012, 02:27 IST
By SiliconIndia

2. Helle Berry

Astonishing Fact – She stayed in a homeless shelter in her early twenties

The time when Halle Berry wanted to become an actress and moved to Chicago to try her luck, within a month she ran out of money. She had worked in a departmental store and participated in several beauty contests. When she was totally smashed, she called her mother to send her some money, but this good mom refused to do so. Over the phone her mother said, “Figure it out or come home”. This made Berry so furious that she didn’t spoke to her mother for a year and a half. During those days she struggled for money and stayed in homeless shelter, but today she is one of the highest paid actresses in Hollywood.

What she thinks of her mother today? She says, “She drove me there (to the success), but I don't think she ever thought it would pan out… It taught me how to take care of myself and that I could live through any situation, even if it meant going to a shelter for a small stint, or living within my means, which were meager. I became a person who knows that I will always make my own way”, as told to

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