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8 Financial Tips to Make Your Married Life Happy

Thursday, 04 April 2013, 01:28 IST
By SiliconIndia

5. Get Proper Insurance Coverage

In maximum cases, people do not go for a larger insurance coverage. This happens due the lack of responsibilities. But circumstances changes as soon as an individual gets married and the number increases from ‘1’ to ‘2’.

Prior to marriage, this might be considered as a ‘good-to-go’ style, but post marriage, this won’t work at all. After marriage, one should check their insurance coverage and if it is still covering a smaller amount, it should be increased immediately.

6. Know Your Taxes and its Benefits

As mentioned earlier, responsibilities get increased after marriage.  These responsibilities can include having a bigger space to live in, driving a cozy car, medical expenses, etc.

Indian Tax department has certain rules and regulations, under which the amount of tax gets reduced. Repaying housing loans, insurance policies, NSCs etc. can save a considerable amount of tax.

For a newly married couple, it is always advisable to consult an Income-Tax expert about how and where tax can be saved.

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