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7 Ways To Stabilize Finances As Mompreneurs

Friday, 03 April 2015, 00:40 IST
By SiliconIndia

i1BANGALORE: Becoming a mom is not just a “walk in the park”, it comes up with a lot of responsibilities and life becomes even tougher when some of these moms turn out to be ‘Mompreneurs’. 

Yes they don’t just act as a full time parent of their children but also establish businesses at home simultaneously. Now that’s called dedication or self-determination! In between there are times when these momprenuers find it difficult to just balance their personal finances. Are you one among them? No worries now you have better ways to balance them:

1. Make goals

If successful moms could go back and come up with tips for mompreneurs, they would say always make goals for yourself. i2They have to be specific and have a reasonable timescale. Making money is not a goal, it’s a want.

On the other hand, making X amount of rupees this year is a goal. Set goals and set objectives on the way to that goal. Humans like logic. They want to map their progress when they’re feeling down. Creating goals is the key to staying focused.
