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7 Tools To Make A Kid Financially Strong

Monday, 23 September 2013, 16:33 IST
By SiliconIndia

Put money into piggy bank

Kids who are small enough and don’t understand the value of having a savings account in bank should be provided with a savings account at home.  And the best way is to have a piggy bank. The habit of putting money into piggy bank and counting the savings after regular intervals of time would excite a kid to save. Parents should always keep handy some change, so that kids look forward to have a coin from you and put it in their piggy bank.

Avoid impulsive shopping

Groom your kids to have patience and not indulge into impulsive shopping. This habit can be cultivated over time by putting a pause between the kids and their favourite purchase. This would give them time to think if they really want the item. If the kid forgets and do not crave for that item anymore then it would mean the kid just wanted it and does not need it.

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