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7 Things You Waste Your Money On

Tuesday, 04 September 2012, 01:51 IST
By SiliconIndia

Money Waster 4: Phone Tariffs

Having a stylish phone and the best talk time offer, is what you lure for. Your phone service provider now and then comes up with some plans which offer 5000 free minutes and 2000 text messages. How much ever good sounding these plans be, but if you are not going to use this extra time and text facility then don’t buy them. Phones are meant for communication and not for gossip; just remember this and your phone bills will automatically come down.

Money Waster 5: Magazine Subscriptions

What do you like - reading magazines or making magazine stack? Subscribing for magazine which you don’t read or in your words you don’t have the time to read, is like spending money over things which doesn’t benefit you at all. If you have the curiosity for knowing about latest fashion trends, cosmetic products and new lot of cars, go for an online search, you will get all that with no cost.

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