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7 Possible Ways that Can Land You In Denial With Your Travel Insurance Claims

Friday, 13 May 2016, 19:16 IST
By SiliconIndia

BENGALURU: Travelling is considered as a hobby for many, but some regard it as a serious passion. Discovering places, people and unveiling hidden things are some of the exhilarating and fascinating parts about travelling. For some it serves as an opportunity to run away from the everyday’s busy life and relax their mind. Packing the bag overnight and preparing for the trip keeps the curiosity level of the traveller wondering for the insurance plans. Refusal of travel insurance claim can result in emotional and financial stress to the person opting for it.

Here are some of the 7 important reasons for the travel insurance claim to get rejected.

Opting a Wrong Coverage


The first and foremost reason is opting for the wrong coverage. The travel insurance policy mainly includes trip cancellation, trip interruption, flights, baggage, evacuation and basic medical issues. Having a detailed understanding of coverage’s in the policy helps in eliminating contingency in the policy.

Additionally failing to purchase reliable insurance policy further can lead to depletion in the budget and prevents one from reimbursing the money incase of theft or loss of the belongings.

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