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7 Money Matters That Can Kill a Marriage

Friday, 14 December 2012, 01:54 IST
By SiliconIndia

2. Secret Debt

‘You owe me a loan’ is something what your friends, bankers and your employer say. When you stand indebted for a car loan or a personal loan, make sure you clear these debts before your partner start feeling the financial burden of living with you. You must remember that debt can be a number one reason for making your relationship rocky with your partner. In a wedded relation, if partner has more debt than the other, or worse; yet one partner is debt free - it often builds resentment between the couples and they argue with each other when discussions about income, spending, and debt servicing come up.

More: 7 Ways Money Can Buy You Happiness

3. Money Handling Habits

Each partner can have a different view point about money. One can be a saving addict and feel happy about storing it in a pension fund or a bank account. The other can be a flamboyant spender, who enjoys shopping for expensive and desirable items. Couple with such contrasting mindset living together can develop financial issues. The age-old conflict between spenders and savers can be maturely resolved by the life partners. It is vital to know what your money personality is, as well as your spouse, and discuss openly about these differences.

Also Read: 5 Places to Lock Your Money When You Don't Trust Your Bank
