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7 Money Making Myths Busted

Saturday, 16 February 2013, 00:21 IST
By SiliconIndia

Bangalore: 'Study hard, you will have a rich future!', 'Work hard, you will have money to burn!'; similar to these two sayings, there are many more sayings which the Indians are very much used to. No one knows who wrote these lines, but almost everyone tries to implement all these.

Being Indian, no one can say that they haven't tried to implement all these ideas. May not be for a longer period of time, but at least once in their lives, they must have tried all these.

However, most of these sayings are totally deceiving and ends up bringing no good to anyone. Here is the list of 7 such sayings which has been misleading the minds over the past centuries as reported by ''.

1. 'Work hard, earn more.'

This is one of the most common sayings. Whether in home or in school or in colleges or it be in workplace, this is the first 'money' lesson.

If this would have been the reality, the person carrying a load of hundred of kilos on his back would have been the richest man in this planet today.

Money has nothing to do with how hard one is working. Money is the result of how proficient one person is at his job. The way they completes their task, the amount of time they saves while completing their tasks makes money and not the amount of hard work they does.

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