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7 Money Habits Of Highly Effective People

Thursday, 14 August 2014, 01:36 IST
By SiliconIndia

BANGALORE: Tired of being broke? The amount of money you have at your clearance is not always dependent on how much you earn. High-earners are often broke and low earners often seem flushed with cash. The secret of not living paycheck-to-paycheck is by following some simple life habits. Frugality doesn’t always mean giving up luxury and the things you love but changing your attitude towards money.

Let’s have a look at some of the habits of highly frugal people:

1. Frugal people save their rupees by saving pennies

Be it small or big issues, frugal people know that frugality applies to both. They are aware of the fact that a lunch worth Rs.300 will cost them around Rs.1, 95,000 a year, thus they would instead like to indulge themselves for that occasionally.

They might have certain habits that might irritate others but for them, it's very common. They like to use a tea bag twice, empty and reuse the cleaner bag and keep the coupons clipped to save bucks on jars. They would always opt for an economical car rather than an SUV.
