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6 Ways To Make Maximum Money Of A Holiday Savings Account

Wednesday, 19 November 2014, 00:11 IST
By SiliconIndia

4. Use Your Freelance Skills

Professionals with skills, turn your attention to holiday opportunities. Marketers, interior designers, graphic designers, writers and photographers: consider designing holiday e-cards, business flyers, holiday events and promotions, helping to write holiday letters, taking holiday portraits, arranging store displays and more. Charge fair rates and you could find yourself busy beyond the holiday season.

5. Get started

There is no time like the present so start thinking about where to stash your savings. For now, that might simply be a coin jar, but make sure you transfer your hoard to a savings account when it builds up to a tidy sum, so you can earn a bit of interest on top.

Your bank account may already allow you to set up a separate pot for your holiday goal online, so check if this is possible. Otherwise, you might be able to open a straightforward instant access savings account. Use our comparison tables to help you find the right account for your savings.

6. Work overtime

This isn’t one of the most fun options on the list – especially if you’re not in love with your day job – but it’s a viable option. And it can be the most efficient way to sock away some extra dollars in your bank account this holiday season.

If your employer offers overtime to catch up on end-of-the-year projects, take advantage of the opportunity – especially if you get special overtime rates.
