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6 Powerful Budget Plans for Newly Weds

Thursday, 19 January 2012, 01:29 IST
By SiliconIndia
Bangalore: 'Single, ready to mingle' will be history for you once you are wedded. With that, your attitude also towards money changes. You are no longer that single college going girl who used to spend on parties and gifts and you are no longer that lover boy who used to spend on his girlfriends and friends. Money has to take the center stage and a financial compatibility has to be achieved, otherwise your marriage will be heading out of the window.

When newlywed couples start their journey on the marriage road, they have a pie-in-the-sky view. All marriages start with love but end up in doing the math at the end of the day. Money has become one of the biggest factors that could lead to a separation or divorce which also comes with a heavy price these days. So here are some tips for newlyweds to know how to get ahead financially after tying the knot, a few simple steps to attain financial Harmony.

1. Talk candidly about Money matters:

Speak your heart out on money matters and how you want to use it. Make a list of your assets on paper and discuss your credit card balances and loans. With all the items listed out, you can figure out your spouse's spending and his attitude towards saving. Make sure that you both are in sync with each other or at least have the same views. All debts have to be laid out on the table otherwise it could lead to financial infidelity.