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6 Must Dos for a Newbie Stocks Investor

Monday, 14 May 2012, 15:11 IST
By SiliconIndia

Bangalore: Once a person has his debt under control, the next thing that he want to do with his money is to figure out ways to maximize it, and in most cases the potential gains of the stock market look like a great place to invest the money.

But the question arises how? You start to think about where and how to invest? But financial experts say that for a beginner in the investing world, there are some simple steps which are must follow for them if they want to make smart investing choices. If you are the one such who have money to invest then have a look at these must dos.

1. Figure out your goals

As soon as you hear, figuring out goals, you feel it’s tenuous. It is actually hard to explain the goals in the financial world, especially when you are single and young. The moment you get married, you realize how many things comes to you mind at an instance and all these becomes goals for you, like buying a house, buying a car, making assets for your child’s education and family insurance etc.

So, set your goals. At what age of your life, what would be your goals, which you might have to fulfill financially. This will help you to figure out your investment size and risk. Once you have your goal set for your investment, then stick to your plan. The amount set for a holiday should not be spent on daily expense or amount set for the daily expense should not exceed.
