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6 Money Habits Which Can Put You Behind Bars

Thursday, 31 January 2013, 01:01 IST
By SiliconIndia

Bangalore: Habits can either be good or bad. Good habits can get appreciated while bad habits might arise thousands of problems. If the bad habits are related to money, it can get really serious problem. Problems can vary from short term prison to long term prison. Here are some of the habits that are considered illegal by the law.

1. Using Someone Else's Identity to Obtain Credit

Using someone else's identity to obtain credit is a strict "NO". This habit is a 1st degree crime as it can give unwanted troubles to the person with the real identity.

In most of the cases, the children can take credit using their parent's name or even the close relatives can get involved in this activity.

2. Issuing of Invalid Cheques

Cheque bouncing has become a common headache for most of the banks in India. There have been more than more than 40 lakh cheque bounce cases still pending in the court.

Cheque bounce is considered to be one of the major illegal acts. At times, this can land up the issuer of the cheque to serious punishments like fine and imprisonment.

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