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5 Vital Financial Moves For Parents In Their 30s And 40s

Friday, 05 June 2015, 00:37 IST
By SiliconIndia

BANGALORE: How old are you, 20, 30 or 40? Of course, no matter how old you are, financial health usually boils down to the same three basic goals: paying off credit card debt, growing your emergency fund and saving for retirement. But the way you approach these tasks and other money priorities may change as you age.

In your 20’s you don’t have to worry much, but once you reach 30s and 40s money matters. If you are parents by any chance then not to mention how many responsibilities you have on your shoulders including your kids. But on the other hand being parents at the age of 30 or 40 the best thing to happen, as you will be almost settled in your life.

Let’s jolt down some of the key financial tips for parents who are in their 30s or 40s:

i11. Get Rid Of Debt

If you’re still paying down your credit card balances, concentrate on the card with the highest interest rate, while paying the minimum on the others. This will help free you up to focus on other financial priorities sooner—and help you pay less in the long run.

Ideally, you should also be close to paying off your student loans in your 30s or, at least, paying downs a significant chunk of them. If you have low interest rates, there’s no need to rush to pay them off, enabling you to contribute to other financial goals in tandem. But if you’re paying higher interest rates, tackling those loans as quickly as possible should be top of mind.
