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5 Valuable Financial Planning Lessons from 'Master Blaster'

Thursday, 23 April 2015, 00:51 IST
By SiliconIndia

BENGALURU: Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar, a global icon, needs no introductions. His heroic innings has dominated the world sport for over two decades. He is  is the ‘master blaster’. Till today he is considered as the ‘God of Cricket’ by many of his fans.

The number of unsurpassable records Sachin holds represents how he has carved his path to reach the pinnacle of the cricketing world.. Taking inspiration with the achievements in his career, Money Control has figured out 5 invaluable lessons that can help us in our financial planning:

1 .Early Start: Sachin started his career as a cricketer at a very early age. He was playing for his country when his school mates were preparing for their 10 standard examinations. His early start had led him to be counted as one of the contemporary cricketers who had been giving his best performances for 24 years.

 Personal finance management needs to be controlled at an early stage. Start managing your finances when you start earning. You need to make a financial plan or a budget plan and even save some percentage of your money towards savings. This will let you have lump sum amount of money at the time of an emergency.

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