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5 Tips to Avoid Emotional Spending

Saturday, 10 September 2011, 00:21 IST
By SiliconIndia
Bangalore: Is shopping your favourite pastime? Or are you a victim of those advertisers who work their magic to allure you and make you believe that you need the product and will benefit a lot by using the product? When ads are carefully designed to manipulate your spending habits, it's no wonder that so many people have become emotional spenders.

When you buy something you don't need as a result of feeling stressed out, unhappy, or any number of other emotions and you are struggling to find the cash to pay the bills or credit card debt then you are an emotional spender.

The key to being less impulsive or emotional when shopping is to acknowledge the issue and put some rules in place. Here are a few tips for managing emotional spending and getting your life back on track.

Shun the Ad's

5 Tips to Avoid Emotional Spending

Less advertising means less spending. It would help you if you don't fall a prey to the ad campaigns on TV and papers that are intended to drive your attention to their products. Minimize your exposure to ads. You should also avoid internet advertising and the easy way to do it is download a program that blocks ads and prevents them from appearing on your screen. Unsubscribe from magazines that are filled with ads.