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5 Terrible Mistakes That Will Make Your Card Issuer Happy

Thursday, 08 May 2014, 01:10 IST
By SiliconIndia

BANGALORE: It can be due to some confusion or a little bit of carelessness, but credit card mistakes are all too common. Yes it is true that credit cards can be a great option for spending when you need it badly, but it is mandatory to understand how the card works, in order to avoid trouble making repayments. It might be a trouble for you but your credit card issuer will be happy. Even a single mistake can result in higher interest rates, lower credit limits and unwanted fees to a credit score.

Here is the list of mistakes that can trouble you and make your credit issuer happy:

1. Exceeding credit limits: Sometimes credit cards look so convenient that we tend to spend for things which we don’t even need, and this indirectly leads us to useless debt. If you are tempted towards buying something that is not in your budget, control yourself and then prioritize the one you need badly and then think of the other. Remember using the entire available balance on your credit card can result in a number of costly problems like increasing interest charges, added fees, and much higher interest rates. In addition to that if you do not have any limit left on your credit card then it can mean a lower credit score, since you are using up more of your available credit.
